Speed Racer (三船剛 Mifune Gō) — is the main character in Speed Racer and a recurring character in Speed Racer: The Next Generation. In The Next Generation, it is revealed he married his girlfriend Trixie and became Speed Sr. and had 2 sons, Speed Racer Jr. and X Racer (who is named after Racer X).
Speed Racer (1967)[]
Speed has dark brown hair styled into a pompadour, blue eyes, and stands slightly shorter than most of the adults in the series. He has a much rounder and softer face than most of the other characters. Of course, his most defining feature are his long, thick eyelashes. He has been described as looking "so handsome that he consistently looks awkward" standing next to several of the more cartoon-y cast members.
His main outfit consists of a blue collard shirt with white trim. On it is emblazoned a large yellow "G" presumably after his Japanese name "Go". He also wears a red ascot. His pants are white, with small slits on the bottoms. He wears dark brown loafers, red socks, and yellow gloves. He will often also wear his racing helmet, which is white with a large red "M".
Speed is a "good guy" often times putting his life at risk to save others.
Speed has a passion for racing and cars and has the ambition of becoming the best racer ever. This leads him to doing increasingly more and more things in his pursuit of gaining racing knowledge and personal growth. Often times, simply turning up because the plot needed him to be there. A good example of this is in Episode 37 "The Terrifying Gambler" when Speed goes to the house of Mr. Fastbucks (the villain of the week). Speed knows this man has tried to kill him once, but decides he must talk to him because he knows a lot about roulette, and to Speed, roulette and race car driving have enough in common.
Speed is also extremely competitive on the race track. He wants to win, no matter the circumstances, as he feels it would be unfair to throw a race even if another person's life is at risk. However, this may simply be a deep desire to win.
Unique abilities[]
Jumping - Speed will fling himself out of fast moving vehicles, jumping often large distances, yet always managing to land where he needs to.
Deductive reasoning - Speed will often figure out exactly what the antagonists plans are with very little evidence. In "The Great Plan" Parts 1 and 2, because the villains shoot at him while he is racing, Speed deduces that the plans for the new Mach 5 must be written on his windshield in invisible ink. How he reaches these types of conclusions, however, is unclear.
Hand to hand combat - Speed has shown himself capable in any fight, taking out opponents with a single blow. It is possible he has learned these techniques from his father, Pops Racer, who was a wrestling champion in his youth.
Pops, Mom, and Spritle[]
Speed gets along well with his parents. Early on in the series, he did disobey his father's direct orders about becoming a professional racer. However, the two of them reconciled it very quickly after Speed won the race. It's clear that Pops is proud of his son, and Speed respects him. He proudly tells various people how much of a technical achievement the Mach 5 is and always credits his father with its design. Although Speed does love his little brother, he is often annoyed with Spritle's mischievous antics. Speed has a good relationship with [Mom Racer|his mother]] and appreciates her supportive nature.
Speed and Sparky are good friends. Sparky is also the only person to consistently worry about Speed's safety on his many dangerous racing adventures. This leads to the two of them fighting in Episode 9 "The Most Dangerous Race", but the two of them make up quickly in the longest apology seen on the show. Sparky will also come along on some of Speed's adventures, although he usually is involved in the B plot of the episode.
Racer X[]
Speed has a lot of respect for Racer X, as he always wants to beat him fairly, refusing help from him in Episode 9 "The Most Dangerous Race" even though Speed can't see. Racer X seems to similarly respect Speed, and in his internal monologue, he says he's proud of him.

A parody of Speed saying "OH!" in Family Guy
- Speed is 18 years old.
- Speeds favorite exclamation is "OH!"
- Speed has been kidnapped more than any other cast member.
- He once referred to being drugged with the euphemism "becoming sleepy."
- The name "Speed Racer" is most likely a reference to the character's favorite activity of racing, as well as the relative rate at which he performs the said activity.