His real name is revealed to be Greg(probably Gregory). He changed it to Speed when he started racing. Someone had made fun of him by calling him "Speedy Racer." Yes, it's official info. I read in a Speed Racer comic book. Not Steve 17:53, 11 June 2008 (UTC)
but remember to credit it as such, his real name is actually Go Mifune in the original manga, and the name Greg is a creative liscence taken with the writer of that comic just as his name Speed Racer is his name given by the english version re-writers.
Absolutezero 19:24, 11 June 2008 (UTC)
Didn't know that![]
Is your name from Ben 10K's Absolute Zero Iguana alien? Not Steve 18:02, 12 June 2008 (UTC)
Ummm nope, i don't know what that is lol. i get my name from the scientific theory of absloute zero, -273 degreed celcius or 0 degreed kelvin, the tempature so cold all particals in matter actually cease to move.. anyways yeah the info comes straight from the manga but also as trivia info on some of the DVDs.
Absolutezero 14:58, 13 June 2008 (UTC)